A new approach on crypto assets from the 1st french economy newspaper

2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Since the start of the Bull Run that we are currently experiencing, the specialist (or non-specialist) media sphere has not let up on the subject. In the ranks and in first position is the continuous economic chain BFM BUSINESS . On their channels you can hear everything, but they have the merit of bringing in major financial and business references with opinions that are not always favorable, but enlightened on the subject that interests us here.

BFM is therefore throwing itself on the theme of active crypto, bitcoin in the spotlight, of course. As an example, let’s take the invitation of Owen Simonin aka Hasheur, now every Friday on the set to discuss the major facts of this ecosystem.

The fact that the media is taking up a fashionable subject and is interested in the influencers in this field is not new. The important news on the other hand is following one : the most followed frequency for economic/finance/investment issues has just been announced: the program BFM HERITAGE adds the “crypto” section to its summary.

“Cédric Decoeur, surrounded by economists and asset managers, gives you advice and tips to manage your capital and decipher trends ».

Usually dedicated to various savings investments such as real estate or life insurance, the editorial staff now wants to tackle the question of investment in the field of BlockChain.

What is important to remember is the connection between the term « Heritage assets “ and crypto. It is new in France where we give a huge importance to the savings which is the flow that feeds the heritage assets which is a stock itself. The French are known to be real squirrels, culturally accustomed to “making stocks”.

This would represent a favorable message for the long-term holding of crypto assets. By adding this to the flood of institutional investors such as Grayscale on the market for a long term investment, we can postulate a decrease in the speculative euphoria that was typical of the Bull Run period.

Stay tuned!

